Thursday, December 29, 2011

More info on Broken Bond- *Free* for Kindle

Broken Bond is out and published! My first short story and I think it went fairly well! I look forward to hearing what people have to say about it.
Broken Bond is the prequel to my first novel Bonded With Love, it dives into the characters Byron Conti and Bristol DuPont. You learn more about the characters more about the past to see exactly how the break between the two characters started. In Bonded With Love you will learn that Cryder's and Drake's grandfather, Byron, had originally began a friendship with their newest enemy. That friendship started many years ago and ended quickly one night.
So this prequel will give you more information on how their relationship began and how it ended in line now the strong sense of revenge stays on Bristol.
I had a lot of fun writing this! Like I said I never written a short story and was kind of nervous that there would be too much information and I wouldn't be able to lessen it. I figured it would end up being another novel but I was able to get in the the details I wanted without letting it get too long. As I wrote Bonded With Love I knew there would be some extra short stories to the side. I had differing characters that I know will need their time in the spotlight.
Broken Bond is only the first of many short stories to come. But I hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the past.

Vampires live a long life and it can appear to be perfect to those who don't have the option for immortality, but when your sanity and place in society is dependent on the one you love- the thought of eternity can be excruciating.

When Bristol finds his true blood-mate at an early age, the girl who knows him to the deepest part of his soul- everything seems perfect. He pictures a future of only the two of them with no rules or limitations, but one terrifying night all of those dreams are stolen from him.

What happens to a vampire when it goes insane?

Check out BROKEN BOND for FREE on Kindle until December 31st! :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

where have you gone?

I loved you back then. Your smile and eyes took my breath away every time you watched me lovingly. Your laughter brought a smile to my face and I couldn't help but be happy when you're around.
But now you're gone. You left me behind. You said you would never leave me. I now have nothing to live for, nothing to laugh at, and no reason to breathe. I wish to die without you and I can't imagine anyone being able to convince me otherwise.
I had a dream about you last night. You looked as beautiful as ever. We cuddled underneath our favorite tree and we talked about life. It felt like old times as you intertwined your fingers in mine.
Then I awoke breathing deeply and you of course weren't there. I want to believe that the dream was the future not the past. That me seeing you meant I would see you again. But am I lying to myself? Perhaps. But I don't care. I want you back.
Do you know that when you touched me I felt like I was in Heaven? No one would be able to touch me like that. And when we kissed I never wanted to stop for air, I just wanted you as close to me as possible. But it had to end. It had to cease as all things do. And I wish to leave this world behind in hopes to find you. Are in Heaven? In the Otherworld? Or have you been reborn?
Either way I will find you. Trust me.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Last Breath by Rachel Caine

Last Breath
Morganville Vampire series book #11
by Rachel Caine

Whoa so okay I normally don't do reviews on here, but I think I might start.
And what better to start with than Last Breath, part of the Morganville Vampire series by the amazing Rachel Caine.
I absolutely love this series and have fallen head over heels in love with all of the characters. I have a thing for Myrnin- he's my guy. Kinda crazy but always there for you. Love it.
You know there are going to be some crazy shenanigans going on in this book and I couldn't wait to see what Ms. Caine had in store for us.
The book started off a bit slow- less with the action and more with learning and understanding- which is fine, but by book 11 expect to jump right into some insane drama. It still works because after all it is the 11th book-have I mentioned that already? And we've been waiting for this book for a while now- so with the slow beginning you get to bring yourself back up to speed with details from the previous books slowly creeping back into your brain, and on top of that you fall in love with the characters all over again.
Claire- the main character- is this small but very strong and intelligent female. How could you not love her?
And her big muscular but sweet boyfriend. Great duo.
And then Vampire Michael- who wins my vote for sexiest hands down! :) and his Fiance!! Goth Chick Eve- which I would love for a best friend!
These four main characters are perfect together and bring the story back to life.
So yes the beginning isn't fast paced, but it gives you the chance to get back into the swing of things- Morganville style :)
About halfway through, the action picks up and I literally sat at the edge of my seat as I read the rest of this book! I couldn't put it down! From one crazy thing to another- and new bad guys to go up against- the plot was well written, attention grabbing, and absolutely what I expected for Book #11! :)
Rachel Caine has absolutely shown me why I love reading her books all over again and let her creative mind wow me and of course craving more.
I give Last Breath by Rachel Caine 5 stars and completely recommend those who have already read the series to be sure to read this one soon! and those who haven't read the series to grab the first book Glass House and start it today!

Friday, December 16, 2011

What's Next?!?

Book 2 of the With Love series is coming along nicely! & if I keep up @ this pace, the book should be out closer to the middle of the year! A lot of craziness follows the characters throughout this book & they will have to fight to keep themselves sane as well as alive! Can't wait!
Also my short story will be available at the end of this year! The Past Returns- an interlude to give more insight on the past as well as current situations with the characters. I enjoyed writing the short story, it gave me the opportunity to share some info that wasn't able to be in the books! I want the reader to know everything they can about the characters to be able to gain more of a relationship with them all.
There are definitely more short stories to come :)
Also once I get done with book 2 I will work on my demigods book and get that one out there! A sarcastic main character and two hotties creating a crazy love triangle plus other wordly goings on makes me excited for this book also!

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm trying...

I try. Try to be a good wife, mom to my puppies, daughter, niece, granddaughter, big cousin, step-sister, writer, employee. I try to do what I can on a daily basis to make myself better. Right now my focus is on writing, but I try to open myself up for everyone. To spend time with those that I love. Being a novelist takes up a majority of anyone's time trying to accomplish something like this, and being an indie author takes up even more time. So I try to do other things in the process.
But lately I feel questioned on my ability to accomplish it all. On my capacity to follow-through on everything. When I'm high up on cloud nine, those questions and doubts bring me falling back down and leaving scrapes and bruises on the way.
Why of all people do you question me? Just jump for joy, smile, laugh, enjoy cloud nine with me- I'm inviting you. The invitation has been mailed more than once. I understand that it's hard to get out of a role you've been doing for many years, but you have to understand there are joys in life to celebrate and you are allowed to celebrate them for more than one day.
And I am grown up now, smart, independent, loved, taken care of, and happy. Why does the bubble have to be burst so soon? Can't I enjoy the time for a brief moment at least.
My life is a little different than I expected, there are things from the past I would change, but right now where I'm at- I wouldn't change a thing, so please stop trying to do that.
Live. Laugh. Love.
It's my favorite saying- I live by it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

This Journey

In the midst of everything amazing going on in my life-- I felt the need to share.

I published my book as you well know-well most of you do any way. It is exceeding my expectation in sales and positive feedback is all I've gotten.
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would have finished a book, worked a year on perfecting it, and then getting it published. Let alone getting great results. It amazes me daily and I am humbled by the support that I receive on a daily basis- from friends, family, work associates, twitter friends, facebook companions. The list continues. It's amazing how blessed someone can feel only by doing something they love.
I was told recently how lucky I am to have found my niche- that one thing in life that completely satisfies me, relaxes me, comforts me, and just all in all makes me happy and to be good at it as well- I didn't realize it until now. All I thought before was "I'm just doing something I enjoy." but it's more than that to me-deep down it's a dream come true.
On top of that to be told I'm an inspiration for following my dreams. "But it's something I've always loved." and I would shrug my shoulders. I didn't do this to inspire or to prove anything.
I did it because I love it. Because it comforts me. It's like ice cream on hot summer day :) It relaxes me-like the sound of rain bouncing off the tree leaves outside. :D
From the beginning, again, I didn't expect this to take off the way it has. I expected only my friends and family to buy a copy out of "hey I know her" type feelings. I didn't expect to be published. To have it done in a weekend. I didn't expect to have people buying my book for Christmas presents or wanting my signature. I didn't expect any of it, and I guess what I'm saying is...
I feel lucky. I feel blessed. I feel grateful for the opportunity. I am touched by the miles and miles of support coming from all around.
Thank you for reading this. Thank you for reading my book. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for being my friend-whether it be life-long, twitter, facebook, or other means- Still Thank you! You make my day you make me happy and you make me want to keep on writing. You inspire me.

And I'm sorry if this came out all sappy :) but it was just one of those moments! :D