Thursday, December 29, 2011

More info on Broken Bond- *Free* for Kindle

Broken Bond is out and published! My first short story and I think it went fairly well! I look forward to hearing what people have to say about it.
Broken Bond is the prequel to my first novel Bonded With Love, it dives into the characters Byron Conti and Bristol DuPont. You learn more about the characters more about the past to see exactly how the break between the two characters started. In Bonded With Love you will learn that Cryder's and Drake's grandfather, Byron, had originally began a friendship with their newest enemy. That friendship started many years ago and ended quickly one night.
So this prequel will give you more information on how their relationship began and how it ended in line now the strong sense of revenge stays on Bristol.
I had a lot of fun writing this! Like I said I never written a short story and was kind of nervous that there would be too much information and I wouldn't be able to lessen it. I figured it would end up being another novel but I was able to get in the the details I wanted without letting it get too long. As I wrote Bonded With Love I knew there would be some extra short stories to the side. I had differing characters that I know will need their time in the spotlight.
Broken Bond is only the first of many short stories to come. But I hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the past.

Vampires live a long life and it can appear to be perfect to those who don't have the option for immortality, but when your sanity and place in society is dependent on the one you love- the thought of eternity can be excruciating.

When Bristol finds his true blood-mate at an early age, the girl who knows him to the deepest part of his soul- everything seems perfect. He pictures a future of only the two of them with no rules or limitations, but one terrifying night all of those dreams are stolen from him.

What happens to a vampire when it goes insane?

Check out BROKEN BOND for FREE on Kindle until December 31st! :)

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