Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The pain rattled through her organs, covering her bones with steel, which kept her from rising. Lava was injected into her veins and steadily made its way from head to toe. There were cries for help coming from far away, and she wished that she too could scream out, but her mouth was filled with rusted metal scraping against its roof. A cracking sound filled the room near where she laid, which sounded like firecrackers were being set off in the room, but felt like every bone in her body was being bent in half. Was she dying? Was this the end at eighteen? She hoped she would see her family soon.  Then she remembered a thought...a fact she had learned before the pain hit. She wasn't dying, but changing. Her destiny was taking over, and her true self was being made. She is a vampire.

Been a while...

So it has definitely been a long while since I have written on here...it has been a busy time. Wedding is only 2mos away...2 months exactly as of yesterday! :) I'm excited and yet very anxious- nervous- stressed- all of the above, but it was bound to happen. This weekend is my first bridal shower- and I'm nervous about this one. I know I'll have around 25-30 ppl coming, but it has been kinda unorganized...and it makes me nervous. But I'm sure it'll all turn out great.
Writing marathon has been going on. I have my good and bad days when it comes to writing. I have moment where I'm not sure I should continue- asking if I am wasting my time, and other days where I would never stop even if the world was ending around me and green men from space had laser guns pointed at me- it makes me happy and at times de-stresses me. Make sense? Does to other writers lol :)
Anyways, going to watch some Bleach and head to bed.